Voices of a Business School
Welcome to Voices of a Business School! An inspirational, entertaining, and educating podcast starring some of the world's best professors and inspiring business leaders. Hosted by AVT Business School, you'll be presented with a series of well informed talks which explores and challenges everything from trends, tendencies, conditions, and much more in the scene of business, strategy, purpose and so forth. We hope you'll enjoy our new outlet - Let's dive into it! // One episode published every month! Subscribe and tag along.
15 episodes
Faculty #10 | US Election 2024 | With Simon Lancaster
Leading up to what looks to be a very close US Election on November 5 2024, hear what professional speechwriter, Simon Lancaster, has to say about the two candidates, Donald Trump & Kamala Harris, and their communicative strengths.He...
Faculty #9 | Product Launch Excellence in Life Sciences by IQVIA Thought Leader Sarah Rickwood
AVT lecturer and IQVIA Throught Leader Sarah Rickwood delve into pharmaceutical launch dynamics, especially post-pandemic, stressing regional variations and the importance of understanding local health systems. It highlights the crucial role of...
Faculty #8 | Navigating the Life Sciences Market with Professor Tim Calkins
Professor Tim Calkins brings a dual perspective to the role of a professor and practitioner in the life sciences industry, combining academic expertise with practical experience. In the
Episode 12
Faculty #7 | Leadership in Turbulent Times, Steve Hall
There, at the top of the steps was Nelson Mandela. And i had the chance to ask him a question. Will my past be held against me in my future? He said, you did what you did, with the information that you had a the time. The important thing is, wh...
Season 1
Episode 11
Faculty #6 | Blueprint for the Future: Rethinking Work Design
Unlocking the pathway to resolving corporate challenges and increasing effectiveness demands a nuanced approach—an approach in which you, as a leader, must dare to manage, design, fix, and optimize the workflows of your organization, rethinking...
Faculty #5 | Coping with Financial Uncertainty
In todays episode we are pleased to welcome prof. Giampiero Favato. Giampiero started his career by working his way up through the corporate finance, economics and business development divisions, and after more than twenty years in the corporat...
Leaders #3 | Fra Corporate til Grøn Startup
Klimaforandringer, etiske overvejelser, grøn omstilling, ansvarlighed og moral. Dette er emner som vi i dagens episode vender med den entreprenante, grønne iværksætter, Michèle Marie Holm. Efter en mangeårig lederkarriere i den fi...
Leaders #2 | Forretningspotentiale i verdens højrisikoområder
Hvordan konverteres kompetencer fra det afghanske terræn til værdigivende egenskaber i spidsen af en virksomhed? Dette har Mads Schmidt, tidligere chef for livvagterne ved de danske og norske diplomatiske missioner i Afghanistan, fundet løsning...
Experts #1 | Return on Ambition with Nicolai Tillisch
Hvad er dit afkast på dine ambitioner? Er omkostningerne af dine drømme for høje? Eller bør du skrue op for ambitionsniveauet? I dette afsnit møder du ingen andre end bestseller forfatter og coach Nicolai Tillisch. Bliv klogere på ...
Faculty #4 | Connecting Business to a Greater Purpose and Creating Value for Stakeholders
Guesting today's episode is strategy, ethics, and purpose expert Professor Andrew C. Wicks. Welcoming questions about how we, as individuals, as organisations and as a society, operate in the world, the discussion revolves around e...
Faculty #3 | Speak Like a Leader with Simon Lancaster
This month's episode features no other than one of the best speechwriters in the world, Simon Lancaster. Besides writing speeches for members of Tony Blair's Cabinet and for CEOs of large companies such as Nokia and Nestlé, he is also a bestsel...
Episode 4
Faculty #2 | An Uncovered Bias About Women in Business
Diving into topics as gender bias, women in business, and the metaphor of ‘the glass cliff’ we are set for today's talk! By welcoming Prof. Raina Brands in the studio, we are opening up a talk about the phenomenon of ‘the glass cliff’ in the ex...
Episode 3
Leaders #1 | Transitionen fra forsvaret til det civile erhvervsliv
Hermed præsenteres første episode af serien 'Leaders', hvor vi her i 'Voices of a Business School' dykker ned i nogle af de mange inspirerende karrierehistorier som findes ude blandt vores executive studerende! I dette afsnit møder du Joachim B...
Episode 2
Faculty #1 | A Leadership Mindset to Connect Strategy & Purpose
Voices of a Business School's very first podcast session features no other than strategy professor at INSEAD, Susan Lynch. Susan explains how companies are becoming more and more reliant on agile approaches and purpose as the world is fa...
Episode 1