Voices of a Business School

Faculty #2 | An Uncovered Bias About Women in Business

AVT Business School Episode 3

Diving into topics as gender bias, women in business, and the metaphor of ‘the glass cliff’ we are set for today's talk! By welcoming Prof. Raina Brands in the studio, we are opening up a talk about the phenomenon of ‘the glass cliff’ in the executive workplace, and how this somewhat overlooked bias is related to concepts of discrimination, inequality and women being set up to fail.
If the phenomenon of the glass cliff has yet come to your attention, you might as well tag along - because according to our eminent guest “once you know about the glass cliff, you will notice it everywhere”!

And a little bonus - letting us in on her expertise, Prof. Raina Brands provides our listeners with great advice on how one can take preventive action when faced with a glass cliff offer.

Intrigued about the phenomenon yet? If so, thank you for listening and subscribe to learn more.