Voices of a Business School
Welcome to Voices of a Business School! An inspirational, entertaining, and educating podcast starring some of the world's best professors and inspiring business leaders. Hosted by AVT Business School, you'll be presented with a series of well informed talks which explores and challenges everything from trends, tendencies, conditions, and much more in the scene of business, strategy, purpose and so forth. We hope you'll enjoy our new outlet - Let's dive into it! // One episode published every month! Subscribe and tag along.
Voices of a Business School
Experts #1 | Return on Ambition with Nicolai Tillisch
Hvad er dit afkast på dine ambitioner? Er omkostningerne af dine drømme for høje? Eller bør du skrue op for ambitionsniveauet?
I dette afsnit møder du ingen andre end bestseller forfatter og coach Nicolai Tillisch. Bliv klogere på den klart mest optimale treenighed, når det kommer til dit ambitionsniveu! Ifølge Nicolai Tillisch og hans medforfatter Nicolai Chen Nielsen er det nemlig en såkaldt "trinity", der forstærker hinanden i søgen på det ideelle afkast af dine ambitioner.
Lyt med, når Nicolai åbner op for key findings i bestseller bogen "Return on Ambition".