Voices of a Business School
Welcome to Voices of a Business School! An inspirational, entertaining, and educating podcast starring some of the world's best professors and inspiring business leaders. Hosted by AVT Business School, you'll be presented with a series of well informed talks which explores and challenges everything from trends, tendencies, conditions, and much more in the scene of business, strategy, purpose and so forth. We hope you'll enjoy our new outlet - Let's dive into it! // One episode published every month! Subscribe and tag along.
Voices of a Business School
Faculty #4 | Connecting Business to a Greater Purpose and Creating Value for Stakeholders
Guesting today's episode is strategy, ethics, and purpose expert Professor Andrew C. Wicks.
Welcoming questions about how we, as individuals, as organisations and as a society, operate in the world, the discussion revolves around ethics in business, the greater value of purpose-driven leadership, and stakeholder theory.
"My argument is that every business has a sense of purpose. To me, the really great organisation is the one that can create these deeper senses of connection, meaning value [...]"